val n = getInt ();
val l = getIntTable (n);
fun qsort [] = []
| qsort l' = let
val p = hd l';
val l1 = List.filter (fn x => x < p) l';
val l2 = List.filter (fn x => x = p) l';
val l3 = List.filter (fn x => x > p) l';
in qsort(l1) @ l2 @ qsort(l3) end;
printIntTable (qsort l);
实在想不出SML语言怎么写邻接表,考虑到点数只有1000,所以直接用邻接矩阵,既然如此,优先队列优化也不带了,O(n^2)水过。 #### 代码:
val inf = 0x3fffffff;
val n = getInt() and m = getInt() and s = getInt() - 1;
val g = Array2.array (n, n, inf); (* 邻接矩阵 *)
List.tabulate (n, fn x => Array2.update (g, x, x, 0));
fun read _ = let
val a = getInt() - 1 and b = getInt() - 1 and c = getInt();
val c1 = Int.min (c, Array2.sub (g, a, b));
val c2 = Int.min (c, Array2.sub (g, b, a));
val t1 = Array2.update (g, a, b, c1);
val t2 = Array2.update (g, b, a, c2);
in 0 end;
List.tabulate (m, read);
val d = Array.array (n, inf); (* 其他点到源点距离 *)
val v = Array.array (n, false); (* 该点是否已访问 *)
Array.update(d, s, 0);
fun relax _ = let
val (m, u) = Array.foldli
(fn (i, a, (m, u)) => if (not (Array.sub (v, i))) andalso a < m then (a, i)
else (m, u))
(inf, ~1)
d; (* 寻找d中最小的值 *)
in if u <> ~1 then let
val t0 = Array.update(v, u, true);
val t1 = Vector.foldli
(fn (i, a, _) => if a <> inf andalso m + a < Array.sub(d, i) then Array.update(d, i, m + a) (* 寻找能松弛的边(d[v] > d[u] + e(u, v)) *)
else ())
(Array2.row (g, u));
in 0 end else 0 end;
List.tabulate (n, relax);
val out = Array.foldr (op ::) [] d; (* Array转List *)
printIntTable (map (fn x => if x = inf then ~1 else x) out);
val n = getInt ();
val a = ListPair.zip (List.tabulate (n, fn x => x), getIntTable n); (* 将读入的List和索引zip在一起 *)
fun calc ((i, x), (st, m)) = (* i是当前的位置,x表示当前是左还是右括号,st是栈,m是当前的最大值 *)
if x = 0 then (i::st, m) else
if st = [] then (st, m) else let
val h = hd st;
val tm = Int.max (m, i - h + 1);
in (tl st, tm) end;
val ans = #2 (foldl calc ([], 0) a);
printInt ans;
fun sort f [] = [] | sort f (h :: a) = let
val a1 = List.filter (fn x => f (x, h)) a;
val a2 = List.filter (fn x => not (f (x, h))) a;
in (sort f a1) @ [h] @ (sort f a2) end; (* 泛型排序函数 *)
val n = getInt();
fun read _ = let
val a = getInt() and b = getInt() and c = getInt();
in (a, b, c) end;
val reada = List.tabulate (n, read);
val sorta = sort (fn (x, y) => (#2 x) < (#2 y)) reada; (* 按高度排序 *)
val vechei = Vector.fromList (List.map (fn x => (#2 x)) sorta); (* 将高度映射到离散化的数 *)
val aa = ListPair.map
(fn (x, (y, _, z)) => (y, x, z))
(List.tabulate (n, fn x => x), sorta);
fun f ([]) = [] | f (x :: y: (int * int * int) list) = (#1 x, #2 x, 1) :: (#3 x, #2 x, 0) :: f (y);
val borda = sort (fn (x, y) => (#1 x) < (#1 y)) (f aa); (* 将边界排序 *)
val hei = Array.array(n, 0);
val m = Array.array(1, ~1);
fun f2 (a, b, c) =
if c = 1 then let
val t1 = Array.update (hei, b, (Array.sub (hei, b)) + 1);
val tm = Array.sub (m, 0);
val t2 = if Array.sub (hei, b) = 1 then
if b > tm then let (* 如果左边界更新后大于原来的最大值 *)
val t3 = if tm = ~1 orelse
(Vector.sub (vechei, b)) <> (Vector.sub (vechei, tm)) then let
val t5 = printIntTable [a, Vector.sub (vechei, b)];
val t6 = print ("\n");
in () end else ();
val t4 = Array.update (m, 0, b);
in () end else ()
else ()
in () end else let
val t1 = Array.update (hei, b, (Array.sub (hei, b)) - 1);
val t2 = if Array.sub (hei, b) = 0 then
if b = Array.sub (m, 0) then let (* 如果待更新的值等于最大值(即更新后最大值会减小) *)
fun find ~1 = ~1
| find i = if (Array.sub (hei, i)) > 0 then i else find (i - 1);
val t3 = Array.update (m, 0, find b);
val tm = Array.sub (m, 0);
val t4 = if tm = ~1 then let
val t5 = printIntTable [a, 0];
val t6 = print ("\n");
in () end else
if (Vector.sub (vechei, b)) <> (Vector.sub (vechei, tm)) then let
val t5 = printIntTable [a, Vector.sub (vechei, tm)];
val t6 = print ("\n");
in () end else ();
in () end else ()
else ()
in () end;
List.app f2 borda;
val n = getInt();
val l = getIntTable n;
fun calc (x, (f, sum)) =
if not f then (f, sum) else
if x = 0 then (f, sum + 1) else
if sum = 0 then (false, sum) else (f, sum - 1);
val (a, b) = List.foldl calc (true, 0) l;
if a andalso b = 0 then printInt 1 else printInt 0;
fun clear0 [] = [0] | clear0 l = if hd l = 0 then clear0 (tl l) else l;
val n1 = getInt ();
val num1 = List.rev (clear0 (getIntTable n1));
val n2 = getInt ();
val num2 = List.rev (clear0 (getIntTable n2));
fun plus (c, (a, b, [])) =
((a + c) div 10, ((a + c) mod 10) :: b, [])
| plus (c, (a, b, x :: l)) =
((a + x + c) div 10, ((a + x + c) mod 10) :: b, l);
val (a1, b1, _) = List.foldl plus (0, [], num2) num1;
if a1 > 0 then printIntTable (a1 :: b1) else printIntTable b1;
printEndOfLine ();
fun minus (c, (a, b, [])) =
if c - a < 0 then
(1, (10 + c - a) :: b, [])
else (0, (c - a) :: b, [])
| minus (c, (a, b, x :: l)) =
if c - x - a < 0 then
(1, (10 + c - x - a) :: b, l)
else (0, (c - x - a) :: b, l);
val (_, b2, _) = List.foldl minus (0, [], num2) num1;
printIntTable (clear0 b2);
printEndOfLine ();
fun mul1D ((i, x), y) = let
fun mul2D (c, (a, b)) = ((a + c * x) div 10, ((a + c * x) mod 10) :: b);
val (a3, b3) = List.foldl mul2D (0, []) num1;
val c3 = List.rev ((if a3 > 0 then a3 :: b3 else b3)
@ List.tabulate (i, fn x => 0)); (* 第二个操作数第i位乘第一个操作数之后要补i个0 *)
val (a4, b4, _) = List.foldl plus (0, [], List.rev y) c3;
in if a4 > 0 then a4 :: b4 else b4 end;
printIntTable (clear0 (List.foldl mul1D []
(ListPair.zip (List.tabulate (n2, fn x => x), num2))));
val n = getInt() and m = getInt();
val g : (int * int) list array = Array.array (n, []);
fun reade i = let
val a = getInt() - 1 and b = getInt() - 1;
val t1 = Array.update(g, a, (b, i) :: (Array.sub (g, a)));
val t2 = Array.update(g, b, (a, i) :: (Array.sub (g, b)));
in 0 end;
List.tabulate (m, reade);
val cp = Array.array (n, false); (* 某点是否为割点 *)
val ce = Array.array (m, false); (* 某边是否为桥 *)
val dfn = Array.array (n, 0);
val low = Array.array (n, 0);
val cnt = Array.array (1, 1);
fun tarjan fa x = let
val num = Array.sub (cnt, 0);
val t1 = Array.update (cnt, 0, num + 1);
val t2 = Array.update (dfn, x, num);
val t3 = Array.update (low, x, num);
val ch = Array.array (1, 0);
fun calc (i, j) =
if (Array.sub (dfn, i)) = 0 then let
val t1 = Array.update (ch, 0, (Array.sub (ch, 0)) + 1);
val t2 = tarjan x i;
val t3 = Array.update (low, x,
Int.min(Array.sub (low, x), Array.sub (low, i)));
val t4 = if x = 0 andalso (Array.sub (ch, 0)) > 1 then
(Array.update (cp, x, true)) else ();
val t5 = if x <> 0 andalso (Array.sub (dfn, x)) <= (Array.sub (low, i)) then
(Array.update (cp, x, true)) else ();
val t6 = if (Array.sub (dfn, x)) < (Array.sub (low, i)) then
(Array.update (ce, j, true)) else ();
in () end else
if i <> fa then
Array.update (low, x, Int.min(Array.sub (low, x), Array.sub (dfn, i)))
else ();
val t4 = List.app calc (Array.sub (g, x));
in () end;
tarjan ~1 0;
printInt (Array.foldl (fn (x, y) => if x then y + 1 else y) 0 cp);
printInt (Array.foldl (fn (x, y) => if x then y + 1 else y) 0 ce);
val n = getInt() and m = getInt();
val l = ListPair.zip(List.tabulate (n, (fn x => x)), getIntTable n);
val a = Array2.array(n, n, 0);
fun f i = let
val cl = List.drop (l, i);
val t1 = Array2.update(a, i, i, #2 (hd cl));
val t = List.app (fn (x, y) =>
Array2.update(a, i, x, Int.max (Array2.sub(a, i, x - 1), y))) (tl cl);
in 0 end;
List.tabulate (n, f);
fun q _ = let
val l = getInt() - 1 and r = getInt() - 1;
in printInt (Array2.sub(a, l, r)) end;
List.tabulate (m, q);
val n = getIntInf();
val t: IntInf.int list = [2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59,
61, 67, 71, 73, 79, 83, 89, 97];
if (List.exists (fn x => x = n) t) then printString "True" else let
fun pow (a: IntInf.int, b: IntInf.int, c: IntInf.int) =
case b of
0 => 1
|1 => a mod c
|otherwise => let
val d = pow (a, b div 2, c);
in (if b mod 2 = 0 then d * d mod c else d * d * a mod c) end;
val pm1 = n - 1;
fun f1 (x: IntInf.int, cnt) =
if x mod 2 = 0 then (f1 (x div 2, cnt + 1)) else (x, cnt);
val (base, k) = f1 (pm1, 0);
fun f2 (test: IntInf.int, flag) = if not flag then false else let
val pbase = pow (test, base, n);
fun f3 (i, (r, aa: IntInf.int)) =
if not r then (r, aa) else let
val rnext = aa * aa mod n;
val rr = not (rnext = 1 andalso aa <> 1 andalso aa <> n - 1);
val ra = rnext;
in (rr, ra) end;
val (r, a) = List.foldl f3 (true, pbase) (List.tabulate (k, fn x => x));
in r andalso a = 1 end;
in (if List.foldl f2 true t then printString "True" else printString "False") end;